Exploit Threatens Microsoft Word

– a press release

“…a newly revived technique may gives attackers a stealthy means of infecting computers using Microsoft Office documents.”

For Immediate Release – November 14, 2017

Muncie, Ind. – According to a report published by TrendMicro this past week, a newly revived technique may gives attackers a stealthy means of infecting computers using Microsoft Office documents. The attack hinges on Microsoft’s use of macros and requires user authentication. In response, users are encouraged to be vigilant of unfamiliar, or unsolicited downloads.

The attack works by sending a Word document that abuses a feature known as Dynamic Data Exchange, or DDE. DDE allows a file to execute code stored elsewhere and allows applications to send updates as new data becomes available. Once opened, the file connects to a control server to download malware called Seduploader and installs it on a target’s computer.

Microsoft has responded to this report by posting an advisory that details how users can protect themselves from such an attack. The easiest way to remain safe is to be wary of downloading and opening unfamiliar documents. Users that receive unfamiliar documents should be particularly hesitant to follow prompts requesting for the document to either ‘update with the data linked from other files’ or ‘to remove data.’ Microsoft has noted that the malicious payload can only be executed after a user has agreed to both prompts.

If you have any questions about security on your device, Microsoft Office, or your operating system, please contact Deltec Solutions.

Deltec offers a complimentary user vulnerability review.

About Deltec Solutions

Deltec Solutions is a Muncie-based business specializing in strategic Information Technology solutions for organizations.  As a trusted technology partner for small and mid-size organizations since 1990, Deltec Solutions consults with clients about their technology needs, including:  IT network consulting and planning, cybersecurity and business continuity planning, off-site desktop support, and – through a service line known as Deltec Digital – website design and digital marketing services.


Scott Jordan, Founder and CTO
sajordan@deltecsolutions.com | 765-587-5101

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201 W. Ontario Drive,
Muncie, IN 47303

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