Beware Hurricane Harvey Charity Fraud

– a press release

“Don’t fall for these scams. If you want to make a donation, you should look up the website of a known, reputable charity, and make a donation directly to that charity.”

For Immediate Release – August 29, 2017

Muncie, Ind. – Unfortunately, it is all too predictable.  A large scale natural disaster occurs, and scumbags are out in droves preying on the good nature of people just wanting to help.  Hurricane Harvey has devastated Southeast Texas, and the damage and death toll unfortunately continue to rise.

Cyber criminals are already deploying several techniques to take advantage of peoples’ generosity, trying to trick people into clicking links on web pages, on Facebook, and Twitter.  Phishing emails that attempt to get people to contribute funds to fraudulent “charity” sites are also circulating.

Some examples:

• Facebook pages dedicated to victim relief contain links to scam websites.

• Tweets are going out with links to charitable websites soliciting donations, but in reality include links to scam sites or links that lead to a malware infection.

• Phishing emails dropping in a user’s inbox asking for donations to #HurricaneHarvey Relief Fund.

Don’t fall for these scams. If you want to make a donation, you should look up the website of a known, reputable charity, and make a donation directly to that charity.  Emails, Twitter feeds, Facebook posts, and the like are likely to be fraudulent, and can be used to steal funds or download malicious code to your computer.  Do not click links of emails, text, or social media messages you do not fully recognize or expect.

If you wish to evaluate your charitable options, Charity Navigator might be useful. Charity Navigator is a nonprofit that has independently rated over 8,000 charities, compiling a list of some of the best organizations to donate to in the wake of Harvey. As always, we urge users to think critically and evaluate these organizations for yourself. Charity Navigator’s list is not a direct endorsement, nor is the selection of charities exhaustive.

Whatever you see in the coming weeks about Hurricane Harvey disaster relief, we caution users to think critically before clicking.

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About Deltec Solutions

Deltec Solutions is a Muncie-based business specializing in strategic Information Technology solutions for organizations.  As a trusted technology partner for small and mid-size organizations since 1990, Deltec Solutions consults with clients about their technology needs, including:  IT network consulting and planning, cybersecurity and business continuity planning, off-site desktop support, and – through a service line known as Deltec Digital – website design and digital marketing services.


Scott Jordan, Founder and CTO | 765-587-5101

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Muncie, IN 47303

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