Fall Creators Update Reaches 85% of Windows 10 Machines


– a press release

“The recent Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709) has been widely adopted among users.”

For Immediate Release – February 27, 2018

Muncie, Ind. – The recent Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709) has been widely adopted among users. Less than two months after a full release, AdDuplex reports the latest rollout to have reached 85 percent of Windows 10 machines.

Adoption success for the popular OS has been attributed, in part, to Microsoft’s targeted rollout scheme. According to an earlier Windows Blog, Microsoft has chosen to prioritize machines with known compatible hardware during their first wave of installs. Feedback and monitoring has then been used to make adjustments needed for additional install bases.

The Fall Creators Update boasts many new features and updated security standards. An early features list has been published on the Windows Blog to highlight some of these new and reworked items. Additionally, for those curious about what is going on under the hood, Windows 10 IT Pro Center offers a deeper technical dive into Windows 10, version 1709.

If you have any questions about Windows 10, the Fall Creators Update, or your technology, please contact Deltec Solutions.

Deltec offers a complimentary user vulnerability review.

About Deltec Solutions

Deltec Solutions is a Muncie-based business specializing in strategic Information Technology solutions for organizations.  As a trusted technology partner for small and mid-size organizations since 1990, Deltec Solutions consults with clients about their technology needs, including:  IT network consulting and planning, cybersecurity and business continuity planning, off-site desktop support, and – through a service line known as Deltec Digital – website design and digital marketing services.


Scott Jordan, Founder and CTO
sajordan@deltecsolutions.com | 765-587-5101

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201 W. Ontario Drive,
Muncie, IN 47303

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