2021 Cybersecurity Resolutions for IT Departments

January 7, 2021

Cybersecurity is as important as ever, and with a more mobile work force, now is the time to increase the security of your organization’s network.  Here are some recommended resolutions for those with responsibility in IT:

 I will review and update my firewall.

  • Upgrade to next-generation active firewall
  • Ensure firmware is up-to-date
  • Monitor activity regularly
  • Close all unnecessary open port

I will ensure secure access for remote employees.

  • Access through an encrypted VPN
  • Close all other remote access methods
  • Implement multifactor authentication

I will implement strong password policies.

  • Require strong passwords
  • Incorporate a required password change policy
  • Implement incorrect login lockout policy
  • Disable standard accounts like “Administrator”
  • Do not allow users local administrator rights

I will automate backups and patching.

  • Automation ensures the process is completed timely
  • Mitigate risks to data and intellectual property
  • Critical and security patching reduces vulnerability

I will educate employees about Cybersecurity.

  • Email is the primary way ransomware enters a network
  • Any employee who clicks on a bad link negates the protection of the best security technology
  • Implement regular training for all employees
  • Execute regular testing with simulated phishing messages

I will replace out of date equipment.

  • Old equipment can be a drain on productivity
  • Out of date operating systems cannot be patched and therefore multiply risk
  • Regular investment and planned obsolescence/replacement is less costly in the long run

I will investigate managed services.

  • Delegate and automate maintenance and security functions
  • Access to technical resources for specialty needs
  • Focus internal team on core competencies for business

If you have any questions on implementing these important resolutions, give Deltec a call today!

Cybersecurity Resolutions

About Deltec Solutions

Deltec Solutions is a Muncie-based business specializing in strategic Information Technology solutions for organizations.  As a trusted technology partner for small and mid-size organizations since 1990, Deltec Solutions helps clients with their technology needs in four areas: network infrastructure consulting and planning, cybersecurity hardening and training, business continuity planning, and remote desktop support.  Call us today and let us help you get the most of your technology investment.


Scott Jordan, Founder and CTO | sajordan@deltecsolutions.com | 765-587-5101
Steve Davis, Vice President | sdavis@deltecsolutions.com | 765-587-5136