Microsoft Office is Now Available on All Chromebooks

– a press release

“Microsoft Office is now available for Google Chromebook users through the Google Play Store.”

For Immediate Release – November 28, 2017

Muncie, Ind. – Microsoft Office is now available for Google Chromebook users through the Google Play Store. After a year of testing, the popular software suite was first discovered last week by Chrome Unboxed, noting that neither Google nor Microsoft had made any formal announcement about the Office applications’ arrival on Chromebooks.

The apps are essentially Android versions of Office which include the same features you can expect to find find on an Android tablet or smartphone and come with hardware restrictions. The app version of the popular Office products are limited to what Microsoft considers “true mobile devices.” Any device larger than 10.1 inches will require a subscription to Office 365 in order to work with documents.

This restriction is not specific to Chromebooks, as Microsoft made similar announcements regarding the 12.9-inch iPad Pro nearly two years ago. For those with larger devices, Microsoft currently offers individual Office 365 Personal subscriptions for $6.99 per month, or $69.99 a year.

If you have any questions about your Chromebook, Windows device, or Microsoft Office, please contact Deltec Solutions.

Deltec offers a complimentary user vulnerability review.

About Deltec Solutions

Deltec Solutions is a Muncie-based business specializing in strategic Information Technology solutions for organizations.  As a trusted technology partner for small and mid-size organizations since 1990, Deltec Solutions consults with clients about their technology needs, including:  IT network consulting and planning, cybersecurity and business continuity planning, off-site desktop support, and – through a service line known as Deltec Digital – website design and digital marketing services.


Scott Jordan, Founder and CTO | 765-587-5101

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Muncie, IN 47303

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